There is not much more frustrating for an athlete but to be kept off the field because of injury. One of the ways to minimise your chances of a trauma related injury, is to make sure you have prepared properly for your run or sports event.
Wait at least three hours after a large mealbefore you go out for a run. Your body will not digest the things you eat immediately before a run (because it is too busy running). For instant fuel choose something that your body can easily absorb like a banana, a few spoonfuls of peanut butter or honey, or a handful of dried fruit.
Toprevent dehydration, make sure you drink a glass of water a half hour before your run. If you're going for longer than a 10K, you might consider taking a water bottle or planning a route that has a water stop along the way. Staying hydrated will keep your legs from cramping, especially in hot weather.
Go through your stretching routineas recommended by your Feet n Motion podiatrist before you leave. This will really help to get your muscles all relaxed and ready to go.
Warm up properly.There is no advantage in starting off one hundred miles an hour and flagging quickly. You also increase your chances of injury if you do not warm up properly.
Wear appropriate footwear.Your Feet n Motion podiatrist will be able to advise you on the type of footwear that will best facilitate your running style.
After Running:
Take the time to properly cool down.Don’t just finish your run and jump in the car and go off to work. Do the cool down exercises provided by your podiatrist and drink some water.
If you can,have a hot bath with some peppermint oil. Peppermint oilhelps relieve muscle pain, reduces inflammation and high levels of menthol give this both a warming and cooling sensation. Peppermint is also analgesic, a stimulant and anti-spasmodic, perfect for those sore muscles. Soaking your legs warms your muscles and relaxes them back into their normal shapes. A shower doesn't work as well, unfortunately, but it's still good for your legs if a bath is out of the question.
Have a meal which includes a good serving of protein.Protein is mainly known for its role in the repair, maintenance, and growth of body tissues which is important for athletes.
Keep on drinking water.Whether you are running or not, you should be drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day on a regular basis.
Get plenty of sleep.Let your body repair itself while you rest.